The wisdom of Vedanta (now available online)

One of the practices that has really helped me as a leader has been the study of Vedanta. It is not a religion (I'm Jewish) but rather a philosophy on how to live a life of happiness. It is all about gaining control over your mind - that your mind is where the secret to happiness really lives. If you would like to dive in, here is a five-minute video on why you may feel so tired “because of your job” to entice you. The great news is that, in these times of COVID-19, their classes are now available online for free. In 2013, Debra and I went all the way to just outside of Pune, India to study this in person at The Vedanta Academy with the then 85-year old founder, Swamiji Parthasarathy (who wrote my favorite book on business and relationships simply titled "Governing Business and Relationships" - the chapter on Leadership is just incredible).

You look for weekends and vacations. You believe that your work tires you. This is not true. It is the lack of control over your own mind. You can take a vacation, you should not need a vacation. More information, including regular lectures and retreats in NY NJ:

And here are the free online classes if you want to engage in this timeless learning. I'm not trying to get you to donate or anything like that (Vedanta isn't like that) - I'm just writing this to help you find a new source of wisdom, if you want it.

Here another video from Gautam Jain, one of the eldest, long-time students of Swamiji:

Although human beings are blessed with the intellect, they still cannot think clearly. Make wrong decisions in almost every facet of life. Why? More information, including regular lectures and retreats in NY NJ: